Thursday, August 5, 2010

the songs will come

these are some words about songwriting.

i'm at home with my mom dad and sister right now.  they're all asleep, but i was fortunate enough to be able to spend the day with them all.  going home for a few days, for me, is like hitting a reset button on my life, or changing the guitar strings in my head, after they're really old and have been played by lots of well-meaning-but-sticky-handed jamming buddies.  my soul always feels so healthy when i'm around these people.  unconditional love does that, i think.. 

tonight i sat down to write a song and nothing came out.

*an aside about my own songwriting process:
[i've never been able to just decide to write a song.  like "oh hey, i think i'll write a song today."  it just never works for me.  its funny, i look back at the songs that i've written, songs that i play out and that i've recorded, and i'm honestly in awe, like "i don't remember writing that", or "how did i think of that?"  i think that's because i didn't write these songs– and i certainly didn't try to write them. 

instead, its like there's this creative energy that can come through people sometimes.  and when my head is in the right place and when i have something on my heart that needs to be let out, then i can connect with that energy and it comes out as music.  or at least thats how it feels.]

so tonight, as i was having trouble, not feeling right about this song that i was trying to write, i asked myself an important question: why do you want to write this song? 

i had to lie down, look inside and really be honest with myself. 

tonight i wanted to write a song out of fear, to assure my own fearful mind that i could still do it–that i could still write songs that i'd enjoy performing; or worse, that i could still write songs that people would like to listen to.

wow!  i'm so happy to have realized this less-than-veritable reason to write a song!  fear is so often the method with which we get in our own way, and by becoming aware of this unconscious fear, i have set myself free of its effects.  i feel so positive about making music right now!  i won't write songs out of fear or feel pressured to do so.  instead, the songs that i will write will be from someplace real. 

and the songs will come when they are supposed to.  :)


  1. It seems to me that you are in a good place to converse with the muse when she has something to say. In the end, all you can really do is listen purposefully. Travel well Levi.

  2. I've tried it both ways. My best stuff is from when it's been cooking on the back burner for a couple of days with the Muse stirring the pot. But I've been experiencing a steady stream of nice stuff that happens when I sit down to write, just because it's time to write something. (Your MIT habits probably could be roped into serving your muse.)
    So glad to see you on the road, my friend. We wait back here to receive you when you're around again.
